Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oops! It's the empty nest syndrome.

I came across the phrase " empty nest syndrome" on several occasions in the passing but never seriously dwelt on the implication until Ruth left to continue her tertiary education in the University of Adelaide, South Australia.

For about 17 years, she has always be my confidante, friend and someone for me to nag and boss around. After she left for university, I began to miss her. Suddenly, it hit me hard, that I am experiencing the empty nest syndrome. Like many others, I did not anticipate it coming that soon. The first few months were difficult as I was feeling lonely and lost without her. Although our mother-daughter bond remained strong, her presence gave me the assurance that everything is well with her.

Like many parents, letting go for the first time has been difficult, especially when she is my only child. When she chose to study away from home, I questioned the decision many times and wondered about the implications, more on her well-being and ability to cope on her own. But she told me that she wanted an opportunity to manage her own life and learn to live independantly.

After about 4 months, I visited her in Adelaide. I found that she has grown into a more sensitive and mature lady, able to manage her studies and make decisions in her life. I realised that she needs to be "away" to grow as I will not be able to "accompany" her for life. By letting go, we learn to appreciate each other more.