Thursday, December 21, 2006

Odds and ends

Recently, I had an attack of the blues. Tired, depressed, despondent, run down and over-whelmed by my lot. I could'nt really put my finger on the real "thing" but I guess that one of the main reasons is that age is catching up. Those old creaky bones and sometimes " rusty" mind just do not have the vigour, energy and enthusiasm like the yesteryears. Tempers run short and I had a big argument with Ruth before she left for her trip to Sarikei. I assigned her some homework to be completed but she tried to put it off until after her trip. She had plenty of time watching the television and surfing the internet but just could not devote an hour or so to complete her homework. I insisted that she completed her homework on time and she compomised by bringing the workbook to Sarikei and complete her homework before she got back to Bintulu.

Well, life is such. The ebb and flow. But that's what adds colour and variety to it. Anyway, Ruth and hubby got back yesterday. Ruth had a most exciting time visiting her aunties and cousins. They had several rounds of durians, rambutans and other local seasonal fruits. She even managed to visit the local funfair with her cousins and won two prizes. Her auntie also gave her an "angpow" of RM100.00 for doing well in her UPSR examinations. And she completed her homework before she got back. Looking back, I should have been more optimistic and less overbearing..