Sunday, March 15, 2009

A bit here & there........

The school break is here again! But only for a week. Ruth had just finished her mid-semester exams on Friday. She cannot afford to take a break as she will be sitting for her Grade 5 piano theory exams tomorrow. She had not been doing much revision on her theory exercises, so it's a last minute rush to cover all the topics. Hopefully, she can pass.

Hubby recently install a webcam at our home computer. It makes it alot easier to communicate through Skype with my friend in Perth. And, practically at no cost. For the past month, I had been calling her using i-talk card, which is much cheaper than fixed line rates. She is taking care of her two sons, who are studying in high school and university there. At times, I really envy her. Before migrating to Australia, she was working in one of the local banks Bintulu. She opted for MSS, which paid her a handsome golden handshake. Now, she's enjoying the role of a housewife, taking morning strolls around the parks, cooking for her boys, taking care of her house, garden and participating in church activities. Just imagine, no rushing off to office in the mornings, no deadlines to meet, no job related stress, etc, etc.

Work at the office is getting more demanding with new projects coming up. Seems that I just could not get out from this inevitable "trap" and cycle. Sometimes, I do wonder whether I am born to work! Ha! Ha!


bzhoneymum said...

My dear fren,

I thought you are busy preparing yourself to that type of carefree lifestyle somewhere out there....soon. Don't will be there soon, right? Just remember to keep in touch when you are out there.