Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ah life..........

Recently, I was surfing through the blogsite of one of my ex-colleague, who opted for early retirement earlier this year to assume the responsibility of a full time Stay-At-Home-Mum (SAHM). She has all the time on her hands to nurture her children, show all the tender loving care to her hubby, have leisurely breakfasts with the other "tai-tais", go shopping, "enjoy" her housework, gardening and write interesting and up-to-date blogs.

For a long time, I had always envied and admired those ladies who could afford not to work. Just imagine, no deadlines to meet, no rushing off to work, no asking for leave or permission to run errands or bring the children to clinic when they are sick, etc, etc. and most of all no work related stress. But, sadly up to this moment, such dreams are still beyond my reach.

Well, looking back, of course that are always two sides of the story. No doubt, without a job, there will be no salary, bonuses or increments to look forward at the end of the month or the year. I can say that financial freedom and balancing the check book could be an issue now and then. Saving up for rainy days is a must if one does not have sound financial backing. Being a homemaker can also be a challenging and daunting task, spinning broomsticks and mops from living, bedroom and kitchen with pots and pans permanently attached, that is if one do not have a maid or in-laws to help out.

On the other hand, a paying job would meant that one can at least, have some financial freedom to enjoy little luxuries here and there, once in a while. Not to mention the experience of interacting and keeping up with the mainstream, and telling friends, relatives and families that " I am working as a ....................with so and so company". Of course, besides the ones mentioned, there are alot of other advantages of having a paying job.

Well, each one of us has got different priorities in life, so like what they say, finding happiness, contentment and a place for oneself is a journey in itself.