Saturday, September 8, 2007

Of Mountain peaks and valleys

Ruth finally got back all her school examination results. She recorded a slight improvement in her grades and managed to remain as one of the three top students in her class. But alas! She only managed a pass in her Grade 5 practical piano exams to hubby's disappointment. He had been expecting her to do better considering all his investments in tuition fees, books and the piano he bought her. Well, sometimes, one cannot have the best of both worlds, so she has to work harder the next round.

Mum and John dropped by Bintulu for an overnight stay last weekend. We intended to join them on their trip back to Mukah but did not materialised as hubby had to stay back to complete some rather urgent work. Maybe... next time, hah!

During our last trip to KL, hubby bought Ruth the whole set of the Harry Potter adventure series. As she is quite busy with her school work and monthly tests, Ruth only managed to complete reading the first book. Out of curiousity and seeing the books idle, I decided to try reading about the adventures of the boy wizard and found them imaginative, spellbinding, sometimes hilarious and "almost" magical. No wonder, children, teens and
adults alike adored the stories and just could not wait in anticipation of the next books in the series. So, this is how the author, J.K. Rowling made her millions. By writing about magic!