Monday, May 14, 2007

Personal glimpses

Phew! It's a relief that Ruth finally made a full recovery after her recent episode with allergic rashes. She's more vigilant now, unlike before when anything edible gets "pop" into her big mouth faster than you realised it! I must say that she's slightly obese at the moment and I have been telling her to go some exercise. Whe she is in the mood, she calls everyone for a game of badminton, but at times she can be a real couch potato.

With her mid-terms just round the corner, she's busy with her revision and hopefully she will do better this time round. Hubby promised her a trip to Mukah and Sarikei during the coming school break and she's looking forward to them.

Hubby and I just got back after a week end trip in Kuching to settle some family matters. It's more than a year since I last visited the "Cat City" and it's a refreshing change from Bintulu. Dropped by hubby's cousins place and we even managed to drive down to Bau to visit the famous "Tasik Biru". It's not much of a local tourist attraction now and most of the amenities are poorly maintained. We also visited some shopping malls and bought two VCD's for Ruth. She's a great fan of Mr.Bean and had been pestering me to get his latest "movie". Sometimes, a get away will do wonders!