Sunday, April 30, 2017

3 years on......

Well, its almost 3 years since my last blog. I must admit that I had somewhat lost interest in blogging with the excuse that I just do not know what to blog about...

Time flies. During these 3 years, a lot had happened. Ruth finished her first degree in 2015. She was unsure whether she to continue with her Master's or seek employment. We prayed about it for a year and God seems to be leading her to continue with her studies. She finally decided to pursue a second degree in pharmacy. She told me that she enjoyed studying, so she got herself into another 4 year undergraduate program.

God is indeed gracious. After studying for a semester, she managed to get a casual job as a pharmacy assistant in a community pharmacy. She had never worked before, and at her age, it is pretty late to start casual work. Most Aussie kids start working in their high school years. It helped a lot in boosting her self confidence and esteem as she was by nature a rather shy and timid person. With a job on hand, she is financially independent for the first time in her life. She can plan her purchases and holidays with her friends.

Ruth aside, hubby will be retiring in July, after a 26 years stint in the oil and gas sector. He wants to take a short break before embarking on the next phrase of his adventure. Wish him a happy retirement....

So far so good....