Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tis it.......

I was surfing through my own blog two days ago. Gosh! it's almost end of April and I had updated it only once during this month. What excuse (s) do I have? True, I had been quite busy recently with work and household chores. Supervising Ruth's history and geography projects which had to be handed in by the end of May. It can be real tiring and exhausting by the end of the day.

After some due consideration, I decided to return to work full time again. I found the 1/2 day working schedule rather exhausting as I had to rush through work in the morning, rush home to prepare lunch, dinner and do all the household chores. After some "hunting", I managed to get a maid to help out in the household chores and cooking. So this will be our routine , hopefully until Ruth sits for her PMR exams. After that, it's holiday time for both of us!

Ruth is working hard on her slimming regime. She had been putting on a few fat pounds recently and found that some of her clothes no longer fit. So, it's back to the weighing scale, oats, steamed stuff and plain water. See how it goes.