Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just news.......

Finally, the countdown. Last night, millions of viewers throughout the world were glued to the screen to watch the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympiad at Bejing's iconic "bird's nest" stadium. It was really a spectacular and sensational event combining the traditional, comtemporary and the modern. A dazzling sight to behold! Surely an auspicious occasion for China and the world. Hopefully, the Olympic slogan of "One World, One Dream" continues to remain a reality. For the next two weeks the world will watch in anticipation and expectation as the events unfolds as to which country will capture the most medals in the spirit of true sportsmanship and friendship.

Olympics aside, the whole of next week will be busy and stressful one for Ruth as she will facing the first round her second semester examinations. She had been faithfully doing her revision during the past three weeks and hopefully she will do well this round.

I finally delivered my talk on "Formation of a valid contract" yesterday. For the past month, I had been busy preparing the materials and I am glad that it's finally over. Thank God!