Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happiness is a son

Just this afternoon, I attended a luncheon hosted by a business associate in celebration of his son's "full moon" or first month. He already had three daughters, so the birth of this long awaited son is indeed a very happy and auspicious occasion. He invited around 100 guests, including family, church members and business associates.

In any traditional Chinese family, sons had always been favoured over daughters. Sons carry on the family surname and are considered securities for parents in their old age. Daughters, on the other hand marry and are considered members of their husband's household. Like one chinese saying, "Daughters are like water splashed out of the front door, never to return". Thus, the birth of a first son or long awaited son calls for much rejoicing and celebration.

However, this mindset is slowly changing. With opportunities for better education, most women are now no longer contented to play the traditional roles of mothers and housewives. Most have secured careers that improved their lot and given them the opportunity to compete with their male counterparts both socially and economically. To break the hypothetical glass ceiling. Although gender equality remains to be accepted or recognised in many countries, but this has not stopped women from fighting for their rights.